So the day has finally come. Yes, the invitations have been mailed. ALL OF THEM. Not just like half, or something (I considered it). A few of you will not be receiving yours in the mail so never fear if you don’t get yours this week. Its probably because I’m assuming I’ll see you this week or weekend.
This morning was sad though! I woke up and all of my little children were gone. I’ve been slaving over these invitations for a good two, maybe three?, weeks! I know, it seems like an impossibly long time, but, when you’re doing it almost by yourself it takes time! You’ll see what I mean when you get yours. 🙂
In other news, my engagement ring has received a flurry of compliments lately! Scott & I were in Pittsburgh this weekend and at least two people out there commented on it. Last night I was in Genuardi’s picking up groceries for Scott at 10.30 pm and the checkout lady there gushed all over it! I think the trick here is that I need to hang out with new people because to all of my friends my ring is old news. haha. At least I can look forward to a lifetime of compliments!
So… check your mail! And feel free to comment about the invites below!
4 Responses to Invitations Mailed & Ring Complimented